Hold Orders (Quick Serve)

Hold Orders (Quick Serve)



Hold > No 

Commonly used when there is a long Queue, and you orders are taken halfway. You can retrieve the previous order later and carry on adding / close the bill


To Retrieve : Kiosk > Hold Order > Get Bill / Close with Cash

You can Close the Bill immediately with exact Cash given by Diner

You can add more orders by Get Bill, and add more orders before closing the bill



Hold > Yes > 

Commonly used when there is a long Queue, and you orders are taken halfway, but you know the Diner will fulfil the Order. You can send a copy to the Kitchen to prepare first


To Retrieve : Kiosk > Hold w Kitchen > Get Bill / Close with Cash

You can Close the Bill immediately with exact Cash given by Diner

You can add more orders by Get Bill, and add more orders before closing the bill


- END -

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