Taking orders on your Castle S1F

Taking orders on your Castle S1F

Taking orders on your Castle S1F

On the Order Page > Choose Categories on the left

To Order an Item, or multiple quantities, click the “+”

To reduce the item quantity, or remove quantity, click the “-” to zero

Certain items have Modifiers. After clicking into the item, chose the relevant Modifiers where required.


Modifiers have various options :

  1. Ability to limit the number of Modifiers chosen
  2. Min / Max number selected
  3. Multiple Modifier selection
Click “Add to Cart” after order is final.
Finalise order

After ordered items are confirmed, to make payment, click “Next”.

This would lead you to the Item Summary page. Here, you can

  1. Confirm items ordered
  2. Add or remove items where required
Click “Pay” when the diner is ready to pay.

- END -

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