View Sales in Real Time

View Sales in Real Time

Backoffice > Realtime Day Sales

See your sales from any Outlet in realtime. This only shows the current Session that is opened. Sales include total value including all Voids, Entertainment, Discounts.
NOTE : This only shows a quick summary overview in real time. Detailed information can be found in the Outlet's Main Page. 


Backoffice > Realtime Transaction

See your transactions from any Outlet in realtime. This only shows the current Session that is opened. 


Realtime Transaction > Order / Bill Number to see individual details

See details of each Transaction where required.


TIP : For quick access, save Real Time Sales page onto your phone Home Screen

On your Mobile Phone, login from your Web Browser. Go to the Real Time Sales (or any page you prefer)


For iPhone > Chrome Browser > Save to Desktop


For Android > Chrome Browser > Save to Desktop


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